My name is Oliver and I am 9 years old. The first time I ever went karting was on my 8th birthday at TeamSport. I immediately fell in love with the sport and knew I wanted to continue to do it. For the next couple of months I enrolled in the drivers academy at our local TeamSport and flew through it. Passing the advanced course quickly. It was then that I began thinking about outdoor karting as I had already achieved lap records in doors and was finding it too slow. 6 months after my first time in a kart I got my first outdoor kart for Christmas and was out at a local track within a week. I loved being outdoors and have enjoyed learning how to navigate different conditions. 

 I went to different tracks as often as I could and began to get quicker and more confident. So I decided to do my ARKS and got my license only a few months after having my own kart. Since then I have competed in lots of races across 3 different tracks. At the beginning of the year when I was still a novice I won runner up novice and novice winner. Throughout the year my confidence and ability grew and in the last couple of the races of the year I placed 3rd followed by a 2nd place the following weekend at a different track. I have enjoyed my first year karting and am so excited for what’s to come in 2024 with already taking a 3rd and 2nd at clay pigeon kart club and also managing to qualify 9th in the kart championships.

Oliver Wratten





Surf & Turf


Double-Deuce Customs

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